It's More Than Beauty Rest. Are you suffering from sleep apnea?

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Do you go to bed early but still wake up tired? Does your partner say you snore? You may be one of more than 18 million Americans who suffer from sleep apnea. People who have sleep apnea stop breathing briefly—but repeatedly—during sleep, which interrupts their sleep.  These breathing issues typically last 10 to 20 seconds and can occur 500 times per night. This interrupted sleep causes you to spend more time in light sleep and less time in REM sleep, impacting the quality of sleep you get which can cause you to be less energetic, mentally sharp and productive.

Interrupted sleep can lead to fatigue and sleepiness during the day, which may cause people to fall asleep at work or when driving. In addition, people with sleep apnea are at increased risk for health problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease, heart attack, and stroke.

“Sleep apnea is a relatively common disease that is affected by many different things, including obesity, the shape of your throat and neck, as well as family history,” said Cary Jackson, MD, Saint Alphonsus Sleep Disorders Specialist. “Living with untreated sleep apnea can have many negative effects on your quality of life, and risk of cardiovascular disease. It is important to seek medical attention early to best manage your sleep apnea.”

If you often feel sleepy during the day or if you snore regularly, talk with your doctor about being tested for sleep apnea. It is usually diagnosed with a sleep study, during which your brain and heart activity, oxygen levels, and breathing are monitored while you sleep.

Treatment options include making lifestyle changes or wearing a device that helps you breathe better while you sleep. To find a sleep specialist near you visit

Cary Jackson, MDDr. Cary Jackson is a Sleep Medicine doctor with the Saint Alphonsus Medical Group, a primary care and specialty physician network of more than 260 medical providers across 40 locations in Idaho and Oregon.   

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Jackson or to find a medical provider near you, call 877-401-DOCS (3627) or visit today.