No Excuses - Get Your Mammogram
You are probably aware that early detection through regular mammography screening can save lives. But did you also know that, according to the Department of Health and Welfare, more than a third of Idaho women over the age of 40 did not receive this important screening in the last two years? This unfortunate statistic places Idaho last out of the 50 states and the District of Columbia in cancer screening mammogram rates.
At the Saint Alphonsus Breast Care Center, we’re expanding our services to make state-of-the-art digital mammography available throughout the Treasure Valley. We provide comprehensive, innovative and integrated high-quality breast care that is individualized for you.
Why hesitate to do all you can to protect your health? Think of all the positives:
- Recent advancements in this technology have resulted in a faster and more comfortable procedure, especially with the use of our new mammo pad.
- The actual mammogram only takes about 10 minutes – you’ll be in and out in 30 minutes.
- Nearly all insurance companies cover the cost of a mammogram and if you don’t have insurance, there are grants available to help cover the cost.
The earlier a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer, the better her chances of survival. For women diagnosed at an early stage, when the cancer is confined to her breast tissue, about 95% will survive five years or longer. So ladies, no more excuses … schedule your mammogram today!
To learn more about Breast Care Services, including Mammography at Saint Alphonsus, visit