Memory Loss Information & Resources

memory loss information, dementia blogs, memory loss books


1. Make an appointment at the Memory Center to discuss this further 
2. Elks Rehab: Driving Program at St. Luke's Rehabilitation)

Be sure to find an Elder Law Attorney

Older adults who need additional help to live independently or adults with a physical or developmental disability can be eligible for Medicaid in Idaho. Go to About Medicaid for Elderly or Adults with Disabilities | Idaho Department of Health and Welfare. Review this website for more information and to find the link to apply on the left hand side of this page.


Recommended Books

  • "Day-to-Day: Living with Dementia" by Angela M. Lunde, M.A., offers essential caregiving guidance, including practical tips and resources, techniques for working through difficult emotions, and strategies for managing common dementia-related challenges.
  • "Mayo Clinic on Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias" by Jonathan Graff-Radford, M.D., and Angela M. Lunde, M.A., offers an understanding of dementia based on what researchers and other medical experts know about it today. You’ll also learn that dementia isn’t just about loss and decline. For many, a good quality of life can — and does — continue.
  • "The 36 hour day: A family guide to caring for people with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias" By Nancy L. Mace and Peter V. Rabins

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