Surgery Contacts and Documents

- Monday – Thursday: 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
- Friday: 7:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Contact Information:
- Phone: (208) 367-3655
- Fax: (208) 367-3646
- Email:
When scheduling a surgery, please have the following information available when contacting the scheduling team:
- Patient demographics including name, DOB and phone number
- Preferred surgery date and time
- Procedure, CPT code and diagnosis
- Insurance information – Insurance carrier and policy information
- Prior authorization (when possible) – If the prior authorization is not provided during this call, you will be asked to provide this soon after the surgery is scheduled.
- Interpreter request – If yes, please indicate the language preference.
- NOTE: If your surgeon prefers to enter his/her own orders in Epic, please notify your physician liaison:
Block Request Form & Patient Education
- Surgery Block Request Form (PDF)
- Patient Guide to Surgery (ENGLISH) (SPANISH)
- Pre Admission Testing (PAT) – Nampa / Ontario Questionnaire (PDF)
Surgical Orders & Booking Forms
- Surgery – Booking Form (PDF) (FOR PRINT) – for surgeons who have block time
- Surgical Orders (PDF)
- Surgical Order – Retina (PDF)
Consent Forms
- Pre-Admission Testing (PAT) – Boise Patient Handout (PDF)
- Pre-Admission Testing (PAT) – Nampa Patient Handout (English) (Spanish)
- Pre-Admission Testing (PAT) – Ontario Patient Handout (PDF)
- Pre-Admission Testing (PAT) – Baker City Patient Handout (PDF)
- Ten Mile Surgery Center - Outpatient Surgery Instructions
- Baker City Radiology Outpatient Orders
- Pediatric Surgery: Fasting Guidelines (ENGLISH/SPANISH COMBINED)
- Specialty Specific Documentation:
- To inquire about cosmetic cash or split pay case options, please contact your physician liaison at
- Contact Information:
- Patient estimates: Fax to (208) 367-3646
- Surgical orders: Fax to (208) 367-3460
- Billing questions: Phone: 208-367-8787 – Hours: Monday through Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
- Director, Health System Surgical Services: (208) 367-4289
- Boise – Saint Alphonsus Regional Medical Center (SARMC)
- Manager, Operations: (208) 367-3496
- Block Utilization / Scheduling Specialist: (208) 367-4289
- Block Release & PTO Notifications:
- Main OR - Manager: (208) 367-4989
- Main OR – Desk: (208) 367-8191
- Day Surgery – Manager: (208) 367-4989
- Day Surgery – Desk: (208) 367-8191
- PAT – Manager: (208) 367-4701
- Endoscopy: (208) 367-3290
- Anesthesia: (208) 367-5805
- Pathology: (208) 367-2153
- Nampa – Saint Alphonsus Medical Center
- Manager: (208) 205-2109
- Endoscopy: (208) 205-2010
- Ontario & Baker City – Saint Alphonsus Medical Centers
- Manager: (541) 881-7127