Medical and APP Students
Graduate Students (Med, PA, or NP) wishing to participate in a clinical rotation in the Saint Alphonsus Health System (SAHS) must be an Idaho or Oregon resident.
Starting the Process
- Education Affiliation Agreement (EAA): Must be in place between Saint Alphonsus and your graduate institution prior to submitting a rotation packet.
- To verify your graduate institution, please contact: Keely Cheney, SAHS Education and Affiliation Agreement Coordinator
- Preceptor: Prior to submitting your clerkship forms, identify and make arrangements with a preceptor for your rotation. SAHS does not identify or make preceptor arrangements for student rotations.
Rotation Packet
- Rotation Application Checklist:
- Medical Clerkship Form – signed by student & preceptor
- Acceptable Use Acknowledgement – signed by student & preceptor
- Orientation Acknowledgement – signed by student & coordinator/instructor
- Letter of Good Standing on university letterhead including dates of rotation
- FIT Test documentation for N95 mask. To schedule a FIT test with Saint Alphonsus, please contact Keely Cheney
- COVID documentation – either proof of vaccination or completed declination form
- Flu shot documentation or completed declination form (November through March)
- Student headshot – photo must be in .jpeg format with a plain background.
- Red Line Training – required for operating room rotations only
Important: All items must be submitted together, at least 30 days prior to the start of your planned rotation. Incomplete rotation packets may result in a delay of your rotation start date.
Email completed packet to Kaylie.Elliott, Education Coordinator.
Links to Required Forms
A new version of the Medical Clerkship packet has been created in a fillable PDF format. Effective December 1, 2024, the GME office will no longer accept previous versions of the packets.
Red Line Training
No one will be allowed into the operating room without proof of red line training. To schedule training, contact the following:
- Boise: Yu-Chen Liu
- Phone: 208-367-6720
- Email:
- Schedule: 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month
- Nampa: Nick Connor
- Phone: 208-205-2109
- Email:
- Ontario: K’la Hicks
- Phone: 514-881-7023
- Email:
- Baker City: Ashley Taylor
- Phone: 541-524-7737
- Email:
Questions? Contact Us!
- Medical Student Rotations
- Kaylie Elliott, Education Coordinator
- Phone: 208-367-3075
- Email:
- Kaylie Elliott, Education Coordinator
- ICOM Student Relations
- Clairece Rosati, ICOM Education Coordinator
- Phone 208-367-8261
- Email:
- Clairece Rosati, ICOM Education Coordinator