How to Apply

How to Apply to Observe/Shadow at SAHS

Completed documentation needs to be submitted at least 10 business days prior to the start of the observation.

For Graduate Level Students to observe or shadow within the Saint Alphonsus Health System, the experience must be required for entrance to a health profession school or needed to meet an academic requirement.

Applicants must meet the minimum age requirement of 16 or 18 for OR, ED, ICU or other trauma-related setting. Observers under the age of 18 must provide an approval statement signed by a parent or guardian.

Observation/Shadow Checklist: Email Kimberly Philipps and provide the following information:

  • Observer name
  • Observer preferred email address
  • Provider name & clinic site
  • Provider preferred email address
  • Dates scheduled to shadow
  • Approval statement or letter from school (on school letterhead) confirming the education requirement.
  • Negative TB test (waived for Trinity/Saint Alphonsus employees)
  • Vaccination Status: proof of vaccination, medical exemption, or declination in JPG or PDF format
    • COVID
    • Flu (if observing between Dec 1st thru April 30th)

Upon receipt of this information, the GME office will send the required forms via Adobe E-sign to the observer and preceptor for electronic signature.

Final Observation/Shadow Approval

Upon review of the completed Observation Application Packet, an approval email will be sent to both the observer and provider.

PLEASE NOTE: Observers can only watch, not touch. They must also wear photo identification so that patients know the observer is not a Saint Alphonsus employee and cannot assist. A driver's license or school ID in a sleeve on a lanyard works well.