"We Got this Taylor." - The Importance of Cancer Screening
March 19, 2025Cancer does not discriminate.
My story begins after having scheduled a routine colonoscopy at the age of 48, which was recommended by my primary care physician. I did not have any signs, symptoms, or concerns leading up to the day of my colonoscopy. I had pushed it back from last year when my physician recommended that I call and schedule as it was not a priority for me. In my mind, I was the last person that needed to be worried about colon cancer.
The night before I was scheduled to have my colonoscopy, my wife Crissy asked me a question that really hit me hard. She asked me “are you worried about this procedure?" Leading up to that question I was more worried about being down for the day and the inconvenience of missing work. I paused for a minute and thought, what could possibly go wrong? I am healthy, strong, in shape, and have lived a relatively “clean” lifestyle for the past 10-years – I must be the last person that needs to be worried about cancer.
On January 4th, 2024, at 12pm I woke up from anesthesia with my wife sitting by my side. My wife had a look of shock and disbelief on her face, and I was in a state of confusion as the sedative was in the process of wearing off. I will remember what the doctor said for the rest of my life, “Taylor, there is not an easy way to say this. We found a tumor in your sigmoid colon, and we are pretty sure that this tumor is cancer.”
This diagnosis led me to colorectal surgeon, Dr. Sheev Dattani. I truly believe that he was placed into my life by a higher power to save my life. He instilled a sense of confidence, calmness, experience, and cutting-edge knowledge of technology that allowed me to put my trust and my life in his hands. The next 2-weeks were a bit crazy with various doctor appointments, CT scans, blood tests, cardiological exams, but all the stars aligned.
On January 15, I was scheduled to have my robotic colectomy sigmoid surgery to remove my cancer. The infamous words of Dr. Dattani will stay with me for the rest of my life – “We got this Taylor. I just need five incisions and a few hours, and I will make you cancer free my friend”. A few hours later, I awoke in the recovery room at Saint Alphonsus, with my wife smiling by my side, holding my hand. Twenty-four hours later, Dr. Dattani came in to check on me before he left for the day. He asked me if I was ready to go home and start my recovery in my own bed. I jumped up and said “Absolutely!” I slept in my own bed with my wife and 6-year-old son Lincoln by my side on January 16th thanks to the amazing service and care of the entire Saint Alphonsus surgery care team and Dr. Dattani.
When I think about being diagnosed with Stage 3B colon cancer, I ask myself WHY I had cancer and what caused cancer in my body. Without a definite reason, it has been hard to find a portion of my life that I really needed to change. This is where I started with the research and education and what caused my cancer and how to crush cancer’s chance of returning to my body. I started with my diet and complete revamped everything that I consumed. I have modified and improved every aspect and area of my life and lifestyle.
One thing I’m sure of, cancer does NOT discriminate. It does not care about your age, race, or sex. It does not care how rich or successful you are. It does not care how loving and caring you are to other people. It does not care if you think you are safe. Cancer does not discriminate. For this reason alone, I’ll tell anyone who will listen, DO NOT PUT YOUR COLONSOCOPY OFF. If you are 45-years old, get this on your schedule. It was not a priority of mine, and it almost took my life!
About Taylor: Taylor Irvin was born and raised in Boise, Idaho and has lived in Eagle, Idaho for the past 15-years. He is a graduate of Boise State University and has been in the financial services and mortgage industry for the past 24-years. Taylor has built several successful companies throughout his career and takes pride in his successes, but says he takes more pride learning from his failures. He proudly runs a large mortgage company based in Eagle, Idaho, and several other businesses that he either owns or invests in. Taylor is married to his wife Crissy and they have a 6-year old son named Lincoln. Taylor loves to travel, is a huge sports fan, and loves everything outdoors. Fun fact: Taylor played football for 10-years in the various arena leagues around the Northwest (2002-2012), and was the first Offensive Lineman that was inducted into the ICFL Hall of Fame.