Even though the days are getting shorter, exposure to the sun can still cause damage to your skin.

Every fall, thousands of us enjoy the annual Boise Art Museum’s Art in the Park. Good food, entertainment and hundreds of talented artists from around Idaho and the region attract folks to Julia Davis Park.

With the extreme heat we’ve experienced this summer, it’s important to take a few precautions so you can enjoy Art in the Park safely this weekend.

Dr. Nicholas Kroll, MD, an Emergency Department physician at Saint Alphonsus Regional Medical Center, reminds everyone that even though the days are getting shorter, exposure to the sun can still cause damage to your skin. He recommends that as long as you’re outside, you need to take precautions to avoid sunburn. Getting sunburn can also increase your risk of developing other heat-related illnesses. He advises wearing sunscreen and maybe a hat to protect yourself.

Staying hydrated is another key to staying safe outdoors:

The final tip from Dr. Kroll is to watch how much alcohol you drink. Alcohol can increase your risk of heat illnesses by decreasing your body’s ability to compensate for the increased temperature. It also increases the amount of volume that you lose due to sweating. He recommends being cautious if you are going to be drinking alcohol and try and keep consumption to a minimum. He also recommends drinking water or non-alcoholic beverages as well to minimize the impacts of the alcohol on your system.

The bottom line, Dr. Kroll says, is to be smart, wear sunscreen and have fun.

Saint Alphonsus Staff