Why Choose Us
As you look for affordable plans on the Health Insurance Exchange you should understand that certain plans offer an exclusive network of hospitals, doctors and providers for you to see. These exclusive networks are beneficial as they bring select hospitals, doctors and providers together to make sure care is easy to access and focused on delivering the best health outcomes, which will ultimately help reduce the costs of healthcare and find ways to make it more affordable.
Saint Alphonsus Health Alliance maximizes your choices for these more affordable healthcare plans by having a network that includes all Saint Alphonsus facilities, providers and services as well as other well-known and respected hospitals, medical facilities and providers around the region.
Saint Alphonsus Health Alliance Network
Doctors & Providers 3,568
Clinic Locations 1,414
Hospitals & Surgery Centers 22
Urgent Care Clinics 37
Care available throughout western Idaho and eastern Oregon.
Find a Saint Alphonsus Health Alliance Provider
Call 208-367-DOCS (3627) or 877-401-DOCS (3627)
Visit www.SaintAlphonsusHealthAlliance.org.
What is the Health Alliance?
For you to understand the value in choosing a Saint Alphonsus related physician, we think it’s important to start by highlighting the fundamental shifts we are making to improve health outcomes, reduce the cost of healthcare, and make care easy to access.
Better Value
Saint Alphonsus Health Alliance is a network of hospitals, doctors, and providers working together to see the best care principles are being delivered, so we can make unprecedented shifts towards reducing costs and rewarding great outcomes.
The Alliance is working to help:
- People currently healthy remain that way
- Providers stay on top of care and focused on early detection for people who have high risks for becoming ill
- Reduce healthcare costs by improving outcomes
- Prevent expensive complications
- Reduce avoidable hospitalizations
- Reduce expensive duplication of services by better managing or coordinating care beyond a doctor or hospital visit
Better Care
If you think about it, it should cost very little to keep people healthy. Preventing a disease or finding it very early when it is likely more treatable, will cost much less in the long-term. Making the right care available at the right time and in the right place will also be important.
And if people do get sick, they should be quickly and accurately diagnosed, the treatment options should be clearly outlined and available, and the necessary support should be provided.
Key services offered or supported by Saint Alphonsus, include:
- Patient Navigators help patients access the most appropriate care in a timely manner
- Patient-Centered Medical Homes offer patients a team approach to care
- Urgent Care offers lower-cost medical visits, compared to an Emergency Department, and are open 7 days a week
- 367-DOCS helps consumers find primary care and specialty providers and is able to schedule appointments for Saint Alphonsus primary care providers
- 367-COST helps estimate out-of-pocket costs of procedures performed at Saint Alphonsus hospitals, based on a consumer’s specific insurance plan and deductibles
- Corporate Wellness programs help prevent chronic illness and keep employees healthy and productive
Better Quality
Most people think the quality is inherent in hospitals and they would be right. However, rather than meeting minimum regulatory standards, The Alliance is focused on achieving maximum standards.
- Our Quality Care Continuums identify common diseases or conditions — such as stroke, diabetes, pregnancy, breast cancer, congestive heart failure, or joint replacement surgery — and bring experts together to share the most innovative medicine or medical practices that have strong evidence proven to provide the best outcomes for each disease or condition.
- These evidence-based medicine guidelines are then hardwired into our processes and delivered to all Alliance providers so patients can consistently achieve the best outcomes along with the most positive experience.
Better Choices
We give patients more value and choices by providing them with the highest quality healthcare network, which includes Saint Alphonsus and other hospitals, doctors, and providers around the region. And we have a strong network specialists for both adult and pediatric patients.
Primary & Specialty Care Within The Alliance
- Allergy & Immunology*
- Anesthesia
- Audiology*
- Breast Care & Reconstruction
- Cardiac & Thoracic Surgery
- Cardiology*
- Chiropractor
- Colorectal Surgery
- Corporate Wellness
- Counseling
- Dentist
- Dermatology*
- Diabetes Education*
- Dietetics/Nutrition
- Emergency Medicine
- Endocrinology*
- Ear, Nose, & Throat*
- Family Medicine
- Gastroenterology
- General Surgery*
- Hematology
- Hospitalist
- Internal Medicine
- Infectious Disease
- Maternal Fetal Medicine
- Neonatology
- Nephrology*
- Neurology*
- Neurosurgery
- Obstetrics/Gynecology
- Occupational Medicine
- Occupational Therapy
- Oncology Gynecologic
- Oncology Medical/Chemotherapy
- Oncology Radiation
- Oncology Surgery
- Ophthalmology*
- Optometry
- Orthopedics*
- Pain Management
- Pathology
- Pediatrics
- Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
- Physical Therapy*
- Plastic Surgery*
- Podiatry
- Psychiatry*
- Psychology*
- Pulmonology
- Radiology
- Rheumatology*
- Sleep Medicine*
- Speech Therapy
- Sports Medicine
- Telemedicine
- Urology*
- Vascular Surgery
- Wound & Hyperbaric Medicine
* Care is available for pediatric and adult patients
For a complete list of providers and facilities, visit SaintAlphonsusHealthAlliance.org.