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If you or someone you love has diabetes, you can count on the Saint Alphonsus team of educators, clinical nurse specialists, nurse practitioners and physicians to provide the guidance and education you need to manage the disease successfully. Whether you are newly diagnosed or have had it for years, our team will provide ongoing support and an individualized treatment plan that is carefully tailored to the needs of you and your family.

Our services are offered at our Boise, Idaho, medical center location and are based on standards recommended by the American Diabetes Association. Services include:

  • Individual consultations with Certified Diabetes Educators.
  • Medication management.
  • Nutrition counseling.
  • Education and self-management training.
  • Type 2 diabetes classes.
  • Gestational diabetes care and management
  • Pediatric diabetes care and management.
  • Insulin pump training.
  • Continuous blood glucose sensor training.
  • Diabetic foot and wound care.