The Power of Pelvic Therapy in Managing Constipation
April 15, 2024
By: Gretta Anderson, Saint Alphonsus Patient
Categories: Medical Innovations, Wellness
“After 3 weeks – I got my life back!”
For as long as I can remember, I have struggled with digestive problems such as constipation. I suffered from major complications with it throughout my childhood. My mother, like 99% of others would use an enema to help. I was told I had a slow digestive tract.
In my 20’s, I struggled with fissures on my intestines due to chronic constipation and straining to pass large or hard stools during a bowel movement. I was given topical and oral medications that did not help. Later in life, I was diagnosed with Diverticulitis. I had 8 inches of my colon removed in 2005. This is a severe disease all due to chronic constipation.
In addition, I had regular colonoscopies every 2-5 years….and this was when they gave you valium and didn’t sedate you. Painful to say the least! I was always taking laxatives and tea, but nothing helped.
To make matters worse, in 2022, I fell and fractured my T12 vertebrae, which sits directly above the lumbar spinal column. I had a 20% gap in my spine. I saw a physical therapist to help with movement and range of motion. That same year, I had a severe shift in my digestive tract. I was then referred to a gastroenterologist who put me on a very strict diet known as the FOD diet. No gluten, no dairy, and large amounts of Metamucil. Nothing helped. Dr. Sheev Dattani, ordered an MRI and noticed a cyst on my L5 and L1, which unfortunately is near the rectum and made matters worse! They noticed the diverticulitis was back and the gap in my spine was now at 30%. Basically, after all the testing and painful stimulators that section of my rectum wasn’t functioning. The muscles were not working. I also had a hysterectomy when I was 36 years old where my uterus was removed. This was a problem because your uterus helps support the pelvic floor. In addition, they noticed I had pelvic organ prolapse.
Gratefully, I was referred to Deanna Ruppert, PT who is a Pelvic Floor Therapist. It was the best thing that has ever happened to me!
During the first three weeks, Deanna did nothing but educate me. In a matter of a little over 3 weeks, I experienced a miracle. I had my first bowel movement without pain which has NEVER happened in my life! 5 simple things made that possible. Purchasing the squatty potty and doing my breathing and pelvic floor exercises, drinking 64-80 ounces of water, eating 5 prunes daily, and taking 400 mg of magnesium changed my life forever. I learned the combination of these steps was key to my success with managing my constipation and finally being able to live my life. I am now on 3 weeks of regular BM's (bowel movements)! We celebrated together. I just can't believe it!
My life has been FABULOUS because of this therapy. I am 76 years old, and I am so grateful I religiously followed Deanna’s guidance and diligently made the steps necessary to improve my life. I prevented surgery because of it! If you are experiencing any issues related to chronic digestive problems, constipation, or prolapse, DON’T WAIT. Make an appointment for pelvic floor therapy today. Call (208) 367-8989 to find a pelvic floor therapist near you. There are pelvic floor providers in Boise, Meridian, Nampa, and Fruitland Idaho.