Saint Alphonsus Medical Group Receives AMA Recognition for Target Blood Pressure
September 25, 2023
Categories: Community
First Medical Group in Idaho to be Given This Distinction
High blood pressures is a major health concern. In the US, almost 1 out of every 2 adults have high blood pressure (hypertension). Of those adults, only 1 out of 4 have their blood pressure under control. Many Americans don’t know that their pressure is high, placing them at greater risk for health complications. In 2021, 691,095 deaths were attributed to hypertension as a primary or contributing cause of death. This number continues to rise. 16 million preventable cardiovascular events are estimated to have occurred between 2017 and 2022, with high blood pressure as a contributing factor.
Healthcare providers are the key to controlling this often devastating health condition. Because of this, the American Medical Association (AMA) and the American Heart Association (AHA) started a national initiative to lower blood pressure. It is called the Target BP (blood pressure) program. Target BP is an evidence-based quality improvement program available to organizations dedicated to lowering and controlling blood pressure in their patients. Launched in 2015, over 3,100 healthcare organizations have joined the initiative. Saint Alphonsus is included as a participating medical group.
This year, the AMA and AHA recognized Saint Alphonsus Medical Group (SAMG) in both the Gold Plus and Silver categories for Target BP. SAMG is the first medical group to be recognized in the state of Idaho with such a distinction. 5 clinics are in the gold plus category and 12 in the silver. To achieve the Target BP gold status, blood pressure control rates greater than or equal to 69.5% were required on all patients with hypertension. This is a threshold that requires provider and patient engagement to achieve.
If you know someone with high blood pressure and want to partner with a health team dedicated to achieving blood pressure control, please call (208) 367-DOCS or visit the Saint Alphonsus website to find a provider.